Thursday, April 7, 2011


We have all been moved by the human catastrophe that has visited the country of Japan in recent weeks. Needless to say, the initial earthquake followed by the threat of deadly radiation have exacted an unbearable and miserable toll on the Japanese people. Even though we are miles away from the epicenter of the Japanese earthquake, and the eminent threat of radiation, the palpable suffering of the Japanese people reverberates world wide. We here at LinkUp Media Group of Companies feel duty-bound to assist the people of Japan. So, we have planned a charitable fund raising concert, dubbed "JAMROCK FOR JAPAN." This is our way of letting the Japanese people, and by extension the world, know that we stand together in time of distress, and we recognize that there is this common thread of humanity that binds us together as a people, whether we are right here in the United States or as far away as Japan. Let's come out and support this cause, it is our way helping our fellow human beings who are suffering in Japan.


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